Facilitar a visita

TEOS Reception
Greet visitors while saving time and money with seamless check-in. Reception for TEOS is a cost-effective visitor management solution that ensures visitors always feel welcome and informed, allowing them to sign in smoothly while notifying hosts of their arrival. Sleek, interactive tablets and personalised signage enable you to extend a warm welcome with a modern feel.

Automated sign in
On arrival at an office lobby, visitors can sign in using the intuitive touch interactive tablet. Fifteen languages are available.

Host notifications
As visitors sign in, Reception for TEOS automatically sends an email or SMS to alert the meeting host.

Print visitor passes
Once visitors have signed in, a customised visitor pass can be printed

QR code scan for touchless workflow
QR codes for checking into meeting rooms and moving about the building create an efficient and professional experience for your guests

Camera support for visitor ID
Our integrated cameras allow visitors to instantly add a picture to their ID badge, creating a personalised welcome experience and ensuring the safety of everyone within the building

Multi-tenants support
For larger spaces hosting multiple companies, TEOS can be configured to support the unique requirements of each business, all under one license

Customised look and feel
Customise your content to match your organisation’s branding with a range of design options. Add a terms and conditions page if you need visitor consent such as for GDPR.

Secure workflow with Outlook
Meeting hosts can invite guests and share a 4 digit security pin code with them directly from Outlook.

Active Directory
Reception for TEOS links up directly with employee contact lists. Give your reception team the gift of time by reducing the need for them to search for host details through outdated lists or online adress books

Export visitor data
The visitor analytics tool will help your reception and facilities team to see the bigger picture. Viewing peak times, or busy / quiet areas will generate a better understanding of how to make the most of the people and resources within the building

Evacuation list management
Real time updates on building occupancy will give you the reassurance and confidence that everyone is safe and accounted for in emergencies

TEOS Wayfinding
Enhance employee and visitor experience with interactive wayfinding maps. TEOS Wayfinding is a dynamic solution to navigate the building, find available rooms, book rooms, and access important information.

No programming required
Wayfinding for TEOS comes with premade templates which makes it very simple to set up. Administrators just need to add their floor maps and corporate calendar data sources. Interactive buttons and information pages can be easily customized as well.

See live occupancy
The red and green lights on the tablets outside the meeting rooms will help visitors and staff easily identify which rooms are available

Search for users, desks or rooms
Connect and collaborate with colleagues quickly and easily by searching for their location, or find a quiet space for those moments of focus and concentration

Show route to your destination
The touch interactive interface means that users just have to tap on the floor and room they want to locate. Then directional arrows and location information will be presented to guide the user to where they want to go.

Book spaces at anytime
Wayfinding for TEOS integrates with corporate calendar systems so you can visually show which rooms or desks are available (highlighting them green/red) and users can book them just by touching the desired room.

Offer added-value information
Offer users added-value information such as news, traffic updates, and security information. These extra information pages are customizable. Wayfinding for TEOS is also available in 12 languages, and users can easily switch between these.

Configure maps
Administrators can easily upload their own floor map designs in svg format, then configure them for wayfinding.

Design customisation
High quality content is important for interactive wayfinding solutions. If organizations don’t have their own graphic designers we can create digital floor maps for them.